Sunday, October 11, 2009

G-ma Update!

Unfortunately I don't have the news I was hoping to post on my blog... my Grandma's surgery did not go well, they were unable to do a full triple bypass because of the condition of her heart and ended up having to just do a double bypass. She has suffered a very serious stroke since the surgery and has still not woken up. Neurologists have most recently been brought in to run Cat scans and MRI's to try to see what kind of brain damage we are dealing with at this point. It seemeed to them that her right side was responding but her left was not responding at all. Up until tonight she had not really moved at all and was not responding to anything... everything has obviously been very difficult for my mom and we are just all praying for a miracle!

Well, tonight we did get a little bit of hope, she started kicking both legs which the doctors have said is a good sign b/c this means that both sides of the brain have hope. Now as we all now things in ICU can change by the day, minute and even second so we are just waiting to see what is to come. The doctors have predicted that she will be in ICU for at least 3 weeks, this is if she wakes up and survives and will probably be in the hospital for a few months after. Our prayers are that she comes out of this and that she has her motor skills, there is a chance that the brain damage will be extensive enough that she will not walk,talk or swallow again on her own meaning that she will be on a feeding tube. However, I know that my God is faithful and stronger than all of this and HIS plan will be done regardless of what the doctors say. Although we do not know what is going to happen we are trying to keep positive and are praying that we still have many more years with her!

I do have to say that working at the American Heart Association has never meant more to me than it has in the last week, I am thankful to be apart of the organization that has done the research that is keeping my grandma alive right now. Your continued thoughts and prayers are coveted!! Thank you so very much!