Thursday, April 26, 2012

Don't fall down when you are pregnant...

Well I have had what I would call a very smooth pregnancy, I haven't had any health problems or complications and other than the normal sleep deprivation and being uncomfortable at this point I don't really have alot to complain about. I mean I am definitely ready to move on past pregnancy but not because it has been awful, just because having the baby in the world is going to be way better than carrying her around!

Well, Tuesday night I had a little scare...
I was visiting my Nana's house and had walked in an out a few times that day not to mention I have been there and know where the steps are but for some reason I missed the step going from her entry-way into her sunken living room and fell. I have never been the most graceful person, I have fallen a few times in my life before and i feel like all of my practice prepared me for this because when I fall I always fall on my knees. This day was by far the most painful fall I have ever had, most of my weight went down on my left knee and I guess in my efforts to keep my stomach from touch the ground i tried to keep everything on the knees because my hands really didn't even touch the floor- i basically feel straight down. The pain was pretty horrible, but I kept thinking if there was an issue surely I would know right now!

After a few minutes of sitting on the floor completely still, hoping my knees would stop throbbing I moved the couch and did not get any relief. Well, I had plans that night to go to a pottery class for girl's night and didn't want to miss and really other than my knees I felt OK. No stomach pains etc... I told Ryan and he really wanted me to call the Dr. so I did and before hearing what actually happened she told me to head to the E.R. After I reasoned with her that it was just my knees she preceded to tell me that I would probably be OK but if I had any cramping at all I needed to go to the hospital.

Well, I went to the class, had dinner and headed home knees still throbbing and swelling while also bruising- basically I look like Tonya Harding attacked me. Don't worry, I didn't keep screaming "Why Me??" I really felt like everyone else was making a bigger deal out of it than it really was.

After a restless night's sleep I woke up yesterday morning and didn't feel very good. I took my shower and started work and just felt like something wasn't right. Then I decided if something had happened to our sweet girl and I didn't go get her checked-out I would never forgive myself. Not to mention that every step that I take means that I am going to be in pain. I called my Dr again and spoke to the nurse and she recommended I head to the Labor and Delivery triage to get checked-out. So, I called Ryan and he met me there- I was pretty nervous, I am not going to lie- I cried the entire drive there hoping and praying that our baby was OK- not caring about anything else on the planet. I think it was my first true "Mom" moment.

Our visit couldn't have been more pleasant- we happen to know the day shift head nurse and she just so happened to come to the check-in desk when I was filling out my paperwork and just seeing a familiar face and her sitting with us made me feel so much more comfortable, we were taken back immediately to be monitored and after a little over an hour were told everything looked great and our baby was happy! There are some things for me to watch for and I have a number to call should anything weird happen but while laying there waiting for our updates I couldn't think about anything but the baby- how she has already changed our lives and how we would do absolutely anything to protect her but at this moment we could do nothing. We literally just had to wait to find out if she was going to be OK and thankfully as scared as I was I knew that she was in good hands. Not because the hospital we were at is wonderful and that the nurses and dr's know what they are doing but because I know that God is holding our girl and has a plan for her that we just get to play a part in.

I am so thankful that He is entrusting us with a baby and although I feel inadequate I know that He is choosing for her to arrive at the very moment she does during this chapter in our life for a reason and all I need to do is trust that whatever happens is part of His perfect plan.

I am so thankful that everything turned out OK and will definitely be taking it easy and avoiding steps when at all possible until after the baby is here but I feel so very blessed that the news we received was good despite my clumsiness! I am going to leave you with a verse that has played a big role in my life recently- in fact a few weeks ago for D-Now Ryan's boss preached on it and did a pretty amazing job breaking it down, its one I have heard my entire life but it means something so different to me now:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” (Proverbs 3:5)


C Jester

What a scary moment for you! I'm so glad that everything checked out ok. From now on, make sure you hold onto a railing or Ryan when going down stairs :)